Window Master WOW 600
Weather station
- Weather station for measuring among other temperature, wind speed and direction as well as rain
- Used together with WCC 3×0 Plus, WSC 3×0 Plus and WSC 5xx panels
Natural ventilation
The product is suitable for comfort ventilation to ensure that the building’s users enjoy a comfortable indoor climate
WindowMaster weather station WOW 600 for measuring among other temperature, wind speed and direction as well as rain.
Note: The weather station is supplied with a 20 m connection cable incl. connector which must be used. The weather station is mounted with supplied brackets. For the best possible measurements WindowMaster recommends that the weather station is placed at least 2 m above the highest point of the building. WOW 600 must be aligned towards north. WOW 600 does not detect snow, if snow detection is desired, the purchase of rain sensor WLA 331 is recommended.
Weather station includes:
- Outdoor temperature sensor
- Relative humidity sensor
- Wind speed sensor
- Wind direction sensor
- Rain / precipitation sensor
- Time and date
Additional information
Manufacturer |
Window Master