Windows are not only a large financial investment, but they play a significant part when it comes to the aesthetics of your home as well. Windows are both functional and can make your home appear more stylish and beautiful. It’s a big decision that will require you to consider factors such as your home’s style, your budget, and what you’re trying to achieve throughout your space.

Shopping for new windows can be a challenging task. It’ll help if you educate yourself about the different types of window styles before you invest any money into the project. There are a variety of UK window styles to choose from that may peak your interest. Review the details and benefits of each option so you can determine the best fit for your home.

Casement Windows


Casement windows crank open horizontally on hinges mounted on one side at the top and bottom. One side will pivot open like a door whilst the other side remains stationary. They are a very common and popular choice among homeowners. They are a bit more modern visually and can catch and direct a nice burst of fresh air into your home. A side hung casement window is the most common in the UK.


  • Good at keeping out drafts since the window seal is generally quite tight.
  • Excellent ventilation, which makes them useful in directing cooling outside air into the house.
  • They tend to be relatively secure against intruders since the open space is fairly narrow when the windows are open.

Tilt & Turn Windows


Tilt and turn windows are practical choices that fit modern window styles nicely. They’re extremely popular in homes throughout continental Europe. Since they’re typically tailored to each customer, you may find the costs tend to be a bit higher. It’s an excellent choice if your home is more modern in style. These versatile sashes have a hinge on one side and usually a hinge on the bottom side. Each sash is operated by a different angle of the handle, which is great if you want variety.


  • Very secure against roaming kids, pets, and protection from possible intruders.
  • They are good space savers.
  • Good at keeping out drafts since the window seal is generally quite tight.

Sash Windows


Sash windows operate through a sliding mechanism, either vertically or horizontally, which is different from casement windows that have a crank and hinge. They can be either double or single hung if you choose the vertical sliding type of sash window. These windows are popular in mid-century modern homes styles. Sash or slider windows are a good choice when you need to constantly open and close windows.


  • Sliders have no cranks or mechanisms, so they are very durable and space-saving. 
  • They have good ventilation and flexibility.
  • The windows tend to be cheaper than other styles due to the simplicity of their design.

Bow or Bay Windows


A bow or bay window is a combination of windows that together form a unit that extends outward from the wall surface of the house. A bay window will be more of a square shape, whilst the shape of a bow window will be more curved. They’re excellent for creating a unique visual effect in living rooms, family rooms, and parlors.


  • Bay or bow windows are gorgeous and create a design statement like no other home feature. 
  • These windows are ideal where you want a constant view of the outdoors. 
  • These windows provide you with extra interior space by offering shelf space for growing plants or displaying decorative items. 
  • Small bay windows draw in a lot of light and can serve as greenhouse windows for growing herbs and other plants.

Fixed Windows


You might think of a classic picture window when visualizing a fixed window. A fixed window refers to any window that uses a glass pane fixed within a window frame that does not open or close. They come in many different shapes and sizes. You can even buy pre-made stained glass that draws in colorful light and is very pleasing to look at. They’re perfect for providing view and light where ventilation and egress are not needed.


  • Fixed windows are permanently sealed, so they offer better energy savings than other windows types. 
  • The simple design lends itself to modern home styles. 
  • Allow for light in hard-to-reach spaces.
  • Infinite decorative possibilities.
  • Fixed windows tend to be cheaper than other window styles.

Georgian Windows


Georgian windows offer a historic and distinctive design for any home. They’re one of the most iconic window styles in Ireland and a classic choice that never gets old. They can be either sash or casement windows, with their distinctive characteristic of six (or more) glass panes divided by narrow profiled glazing bars. Traditionally, Georgian windows were made from wood, though nowadays, uPVC Georgian windows are attractive and can look fairly authentic.


  • Energy-efficient.
  • Secure.
  • Gorgeous and timeless.

French Windows


French windows are similar to standard casement windows, which are attached by a hinge to the window frame on one side only, but they don’t have a central post. Instead, they create one large opening, without any structural elements obstructing the view from the window. They are full-length hinged double sashes that generally open inwards instead of being equipped with a sliding mechanism.


  • Allow for a lot of light and fresh air.
  • Grants you an excellent panoramic view to your front yard or patio.
  • Help save energy and cut down on electricity bills.
  • Work well as an additional safe exit or entrance to your home in case of an emergency.

Skylight or Roof Windows


A skylight is defined as a fixed window installed in a roofline, while a roof window refers to a similar window that can be opened and closed to provide ventilation. They’re excellent for introducing light in dim spaces and where window space is limited. You might find them in attics or upstairs bathrooms.


  • It can add light to the attic and second-story spaces that are usually dark. 
  • Venting roof windows can help exhaust hot air in summer.
  • Constant, direct exposure to the sun means these windows can help heat spaces in winter.

Double-Hung Windows


Double-hung windows feature two large sashes (frame units surrounding glass panels) that slide up and down within vertical tracks. It is common for the sashes to be counterbalanced by springs hidden in the side tracks in modern double-hung windows. You’ll often find them in homes with classic traditional styling.


  • They’re made by many manufacturers, so your selection is very wide. 
  • Prices are generally reasonable, due to the wide availability of this window type.
  • Typically easy to open and close, thanks to springs or weights. 
  • Tracks are vertical, so they generally don’t fill up with dirt.

Glass Block Windows


Glass block windows are fixed windows made with architectural glass blocks, usually mortared in place. They can block views whilst still allowing light to pass through because of the semi-opaque glass construction. They’re best for areas such as bathrooms, showers, and basements where you may want some light to shine through but to obstruct visibility. Some styles include ventilating panels built into the unit.


  • They’re the most secure of all windows since the heavy, thick blocks are mortared in place permanently.
  • Work well in areas where privacy is important.
  • These windows have very good insulating properties.
  • They’re durable and rarely need replacement.

Choosing the Right Window for Your Home

You should now have a better idea of your window options, which style might look best in your home, and the benefits of each. There are many window styles out there and on the market. This reality can be good because you have options but also challenging because it may cause you some stress and confusion as you think about all the possibilities.

Although most homes will include more than one style of window, designers don’t recommend mixing too many different styles in a single home. It may create a disjointed and disorganized look that will be unappealing. You want your window of choice to fit the style and architecture of your home, so keep this in mind as you shop around.


The right windows will be pleasing to look at and use and can boost the attractiveness of your home. Spend some time reviewing these window styles so that you can begin to narrow down your list of options and what may be suitable in your home. It’s a juggling act between considering how much you want to spend, what look you’re going for, and what benefits are most important to you. Give yourself plenty of time to think about your choices and try to picture what each style will look like in your home before investing any money. Remember that it’s best to stick with a primary style and add in some variation if you choose but not to overdo it.

Want to know more?

If you want help choosing the right product or solution, our technical sales staff are here to help.

Why not call us today on 01702 826 267 or click below to submit an enquiry.

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